Kind Words

Mr R Brown

Hon. Secretary

The Cherry Pickers of Cookham Dean

13 June 2019

Dear Mr Brown

I apologise for the delay in writing to thank you for the very kind donation from The Cherry Pickers of Cookham Dean in the sum of £500.

I confirm that this money is being spent on new IT equipment to support one of our students and I know that he will appreciate your generosity.

I believe my PA is in contact with you to arrange a visit to the school once the equipment has been received and is in use.

Please accept my very best wishes and, once again, my thanks for your support of our school.

Yours sincerely

Joolz Scarlett Headteacher

Manor Green School

Dear Mr Dobson,

Please find attached the photos that we took on Friday.

Thank you to the Cherry Pickers for the money that was donated to school. Some of the money is going to be used to buy a sun shade for our reflective outdoor area. This area has been designed by our Pupils 4 Praise as an area where children can have peace at breaktimes. This area will include a mural designed by the children around our Christian Values, outside furniture as well as other decorative items.

The money will also be used to buy an ipad that will be used to record the learning of children with special educational needs. Sometimes these children struggle to capture what they have learnt and the ipad is an alternative way for them.

Thank you so much for your support as always.


Fenella Reekie


Cookham Dean CE Primary School